


  • Subunit Liposuction (美學次單位吸脂):代表吸脂拉提術執行以單位(unit)做為依據,做深淺部分脂肪的抽移。不論是腹部、手臂、男性女乳症,甚至是臀部的吸脂拉提,均有不同的單位來做參考,適合皮膚輕至中度鬆弛的民眾。
  • Superficial/Subbdermal processing (淺層及真皮下處置):針對皮膚中度至重度鬆弛的民眾,除了深淺層外的抽脂外,再搭配真皮層下脂肪的抽移,讓皮膚有更多空間可以達到更佳的自我提拉效果。
  • Support&Dressing(術後支撐及包紮):STS™是一個多層次複雜的手術,為了讓皮膚自我收縮提拉來免去長疤之苦,當術後的手術部位失去原有組織的支撐及固定時,需要非常精細及耐心照顧才能達到最好的效果,包括引流、緊身衣、特殊馬甲紅外線、超音波、LPG、無線電頻波(RF)等儀器的交互治療來完成自然無痕的塑身技術。





1.The Effect of VASER Abdominal Liposuction on Metabolic Profile in Overweight Males

2.Lipofilling to the Buttocks and Breasts in Local Anesthesia Using VASER and Expansion Vibration Lipofilling in a Closed-Loop System

3.《Aesthetic Surgery Journal》Fate of Fat Grafting In Vivo and In Vitro: Does the Suction-Assisted Lipectomy Device Matter?

4.A Multicenter, Prospective, Randomized, Single-Blind, Controlled Clinical Trial Comparing VASER-Assisted Lipoplasty and Suction-Assisted Lipoplasty

5.A Report of 736 High-Definition Lipoabdominoplasties Performed in Conjunction with Circumferential VASER Liposuction

6.Discussion: A Report of 736 High-Definition Lipoabdominoplasties Performed in Conjunction with Circumferential VASER Liposuction

7.Gynecomastia Treatment through Open Resection and Pectoral High-Definition Liposculpture

8.High-Definition Excisional Body Contouring Mini Lipoabdominoplasty (FIT Mommy) and Enhanced Viability Abdominoplasty

9.Male Aesthetics for the Gluteal Area: Anatomy and Algorithm for Surgical Approach for Dynamic Definition Body Contouring